13 Dec

From Philadelphia's Best Jewelers, Choose the Perfect Diamond Ring for Your Wedding


Diamond rings by best jewelers philadelphia are a timeless symbol of love and commitment. They're also expensive, so it's important to choose the right one for your wedding day.

The Four Cs.

  • Cut: The cut of a diamond refers to how much it has been shaped from its original form. A good cut will allow light to pass through the stone, but not reflect back on it. Diamonds with poor cuts can appear cloudy and dull in appearance, making them less valuable than those with good ones.
  • Carat weight: The size of a diamond is measured in carats (ct), which indicates how many grams of precious metal are used to make one stone; 1 ct = 100 points on the Mohs scale (M). You should choose your wedding ring from jewelry philadelphia diamond district based on what feels comfortable for you as well as what fits within your budget — don't worry about “splitting hairs” over this decision!
  • Clarity: Clarity refers to how many imperfections there are present in a diamond's crystal structure; some diamonds are more flawless than others depending on their chemical makeup and concentration levels during growth process(s); however there aren't any hard-and-fast rules when it comes down selecting between clarity grades such as SI1/SI2 vs I1/I2 etcetera...


Diamonds have different cuts, which can be classified by shape and depth.A diamond's cut is the most important factor in its value. A diamond’s cut is measured by angles and proportions, as well as symmetry—the balance between facets that make up a diamond. There are several different categories of cuts that you may encounter when shopping for your ring: Round Brilliant, Princess Cut (also known as pavé), Emerald Cut and Asscher Cut are just a few examples.


Carat is the unit of measurement for the weight of a diamond. The higher the carat weight, the more expensive your ring will be.Carats are determined by dividing a diamond's mass in grams by its diameter: For example, if you have an 8-carat (or 60 milligrams) white diamond and wish to find out how much it weighs without losing too much precision, simply divide 60 milligrams by 8 carats = 5 ounces. If we assume that this same 8-carat white diamond has been cut into two identical stones for each side of your engagement ring in philadelphia setting—one side being about 1/4 inch across and another about 7/8 inch across—then those two separate stones would weigh about 2 ozs total.*


Clarity is the measure of how many inclusions or blemishes are in a diamond. The fewer inclusions, the more expensive your diamond will be. In fact, clarity can be one of the most important factors when choosing your wedding ring!You may have heard that diamonds with less than 0.5% of their weight consisting of imperfections are considered "ideal," but this isn't necessarily true. Although you might be tempted to buy an engagement ring by jewelry stores in philadelphia with no flaws at all (and maybe even some blingy center stones), it's best to go for something with just moderate clarity so that you know exactly what kind of stone you're dealing with—and so you can enjoy wearing it everyday without having it look dull after only a few months' wear time has passed since purchase day!


Color. It's the least important of the 4Cs, but it can make or break your engagement ring. If you're looking for an affordable engagement ring from jewelry stores in philadelphia and don't care about color, then go ahead and get a white diamond—but be prepared to pay more than if you wanted something else!If you want to go with a colored diamond (and not just any color), here's what to look for:

  • Look at photos on websites like GIA's Diamond Grading Guide or Gemvara's Perfect Pearls collection—these will give you an idea of what kind of light yellow/golden tone looks best on your skin tone.

Know the basics of buying a diamond ring before you start your search.

Before you start your search, it's important to know the basics of buying a diamond ring from philadelphia luxury jewelry. The four Cs are cut, carat and clarity.Cut: The shape of a diamond is determined by its size and proportions; this includes its width at the girdle (the band that connects it to its setting), as well as depth in proportion to height. It also affects brilliance (how sparkly it appears) and symmetry—how well balanced they are when viewed from all sides. To understand more about cuts, see this article on what makes good cuts different from bad ones!Carat size: A carat is used as a measurement for how big a diamond looks when compared with other diamonds at its price point ($1k-$3k+)


If you’re looking for the perfect diamond ring from philadelphia luxury jewelry, we hope this guide has helped you in your search. There are many factors that go into choosing a ring, but it all comes down to knowing what is important to you and finding the right piece for that special moment in your life. 

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Address — 99 Wall Street STE#791 New York NY 10005

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