30 Dec

What Makes a Diamond Ring Truly Special From Philadelphia Luxury Jewelry

If you’ve ever bought a diamond ring and were disappointed with the stone, it could be for one reason: The cut. While most people think of diamonds as purely ornamental, they can also have a very important role in fashioning your engagement ring by jewelry stores in philadelphia. A good cut can make your diamond sparkle like it was meant to—and keep its beauty longer than ordinary jewelry. Here are some things to look out for when purchasing an engagement ring that will help ensure that this happens:

The cut of a diamond is the most important factor in determining its quality. A good cut will make your ring sparkle and look brilliant, while an inferior one can cause it to appear dull and lifeless. The brilliance or sparkle of a diamond is determined by how many angles there are on its surface, which determines how much light shows through them (the more angles visible from any given direction, the more brilliant they are).The carat weight of a diamond refers to its size; bigger sizes have more facets per carat than smaller ones do—so if you have big diamonds with small cuts then they'll reflect less light since their facets aren't as large as those on smaller stones with better cuts (this also means that big diamonds tend not be as bright).

What Philadelphia Luxury Jewelry Does to Make a Diamond Ring Truly Special

Diamonds come in many different clarity grades, with the highest being VS2. The lower the number, the less imperfections a diamond has and what is referred to as "eye-clean" or "clarity grade."As you can see from this chart, it's important to understand how they differ:

  • Eye-clean diamonds are free of inclusions that may be visible through a naked eye (though some eyesores may be present). These include: surface blemishes on your ring's diamonds from jewelry philadelphia diamond district; cracks or internal fractures; foreign objects trapped inside a stone; and/or internal damage caused by heat during polishing.
  • Flawless diamonds have no visible imperfections at all—they're completely perfect!

The Color

The color of a diamond is a measure of its dispersion. It's determined by the amount of body color and the amount of light it reflects. In other words, if you have two diamonds with identical clarity, but one has more body color than the other (so it appears darker), then this one will reflect less light—and therefore appear bluer.Colorless diamonds are rare and therefore more valuable than colored ones; some experts estimate that only about 0.00005% of all mined stones will be colorless!

The Carat Weight

The carat weight is the most important factor in determining the overall value of a diamond. The higher the carat weight, the more rare and valuable it will be. A diamond with a higher carat value can be worth up to $100,000!The diamonds we sell at Serenity Jewelry are all certified as EGL Certified by Gubelin Labels International Inc., which means that they were tested for quality and clarity (color), cut (diamond shape), symmetry and polish (shine).

Cut, Color, Clarity and Carats – Together in a Perfect Combination

The cut, color and clarity of a diamond are all important factors in determining its value. Cut refers to how much of the stone's internal substance has been removed to create an attractive shape for jewelry. Cut is measured by grading systems such as VVS (very slightly included), I (included) and SI (strongly included), which are determined by measuring how much light passes through a diamond's facets from top to bottom at a specific angle.The color of your diamond will determine its price because it reflects light differently than white diamonds or yellowish brown ones do—the latter two colors can be used with lower prices while still reflecting light well enough for people who want them at all times without having any special occasions coming up soon after purchase!If you want something sparkly but don’t want it too fancy then go with HSI instead because this means that there won't be any flaws like scratches or blemishes on it either so even if someone else buys another piece made out of cheaper material they won't have anything wrong with theirs anymore!


A diamond engagement ring in philadelphia is a reflection of your love for your partner. It's an expression of their beauty and personality, as well as yours.The way in which you choose to express this love will have a huge impact on how others view your partnership and what they think about when they see it. If you want everyone to know that you're deeply committed to one another, then consider how much thought went into choosing the right stones for each other (and yourself).


In short, make sure that your diamond is the perfect combination of cut, color and clarity. A ring from best jewelers philadelphia with all three will be truly special because it’ll last for generations to come.

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Address — 99 Wall Street STE#791 miami NY 10005

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